- When I try to log into IUCLID 5 for the first time, why can I not log in?
- I created a new user account on the IUCLID 5 website but I have not received the activation email. How can I activate my account? (updated 4 October 2013)
Data Entry
- When searching for a Substance/ Reference substance, I do not get the expected results. What is wrong?
- Which contact address will be used by ECHA - the REACH-IT registration contact, the contact described in the IUCLID 5 legal entity or the contact given in the substance data set?
- Please explain data exchange
- Why is there no comment in modification history for pasted endpoints?
- Why does the clipboard short cut key (F8) not work?
- Text printed from rich text areas in IUCLID may not always have the same formatting as on screen
- Copy to rich text area behaves erroneously. When copying from a word processor to the rich text area, the result may not be what is expected.
- How can I create my own Reference substance(s)?
- How can I create multiple substance datasets from the same Reference Substance assigned to different Legal Entities?
- What do the symbols preceding each IUCLID 5 section or subsection mean?
(updated 5 December 2012) - Why can I not import legal entity objects (LEOs) from REACH-IT into IUCLID versions prior to 5.4? (updated 16 December 2013)
- How can I assign a legal entity to my user?
- Can I use the Import/Export function of IUCLID 5 as a method of data synchronisation?
- After clicking on View/Update Dossier or Substance in IUCLID 5 " CommunicationException - unrecoverable communication error ! " message appears. (published 3 October 2014)
- Why do export file contents differ slightly?
- I received the error : "error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError". What am I to do?
- When exporting a dossier, why do I sometimes get a different number of exported files?
- How can I verify that the IUCLID files I have received from a Third Party (e.g. the lead of a joint submission) are correct?
- Which plug-ins are compatible with which versions of IUCLID? (updated 17 April 2014)
- When trying to run the TCC plugin on a substance or on a dossier (by selecting the REACH substance/dossier I have created), I am getting an error message indicating that the TCC plugin can only check dossiers created with a REACH-specific template. What is wrong?
(updated 10 June 2015)
- When I run the Validation Assistant (TCC), I get a SYS1500 error message, why?
(updated 14 March 2014) - How can I clear the IUCLID 5 cache? (updated 4 October 2013)
Upgrade and migration
- What is the purpose of the IUCLID Backup plugin?
(updated 10 June 2015)
- Can I import a file generated with a previous IUCLID 5 version to the latest IUCLID 5 version? (updated 17 April 2014)
- Where can I find information on the changes performed during the migration process? (updated 5 December 2012)
- Can the backup and migration processes be parallelised?
- I have upgraded to IUCLID 5.3 and I receive an error message while opening attachments. Why?
- Error message Connection to the database (jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/iuclid5) could not be established: FATAL: password authentication failed for user 'iuclid5' (updated 30 May 2014)
- How do I modify the IUCLID 5 home folder location? (updated 5 June 2012)
- The user accounts have expired. What should I do? (published 5 June 2012) (updated 4 October 2013)
- When restoring users account in IUCLID 5.3.2, an error message is displayed. How can I fix it? (published 5 June 2012)
- The distributed versions of IUCLID 5.3 or later do not run on my Oracle database after upgrading. I get the error message 'Loading a JDBC driver failed’. What is wrong? (updated 3 October 2014)
- When I launch IUCLID 5.4.1 I receive the following message: Error during initialisation. The following exception was thrown: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Missing column: includeAnnotations in public.dossierrecreationinfo (published 19 October 2012)
- Which version of IUCLID should I use? (updated 17 April 2014)
- How can I upgrade from IUCLID 5.2x/5.3x to IUCLID 5.6 and still be able to access all my existing data? (updated 17 April 2014)
- How can I upgrade from IUCLID 5.0/1 to IUCLID 5.6 and still be able access all my existing data? (published 27 March 2013)
- When upgrading IUCLID, can I use the IUCLID functions Back-up and Restore, instead of using the database migration process that is carried out when the installer is run in upgrade mode? (published 27 March 2013)
- When a user tries to open an attachment, a "Service error on server (SYS1500)" is reported (published 30 May 2014)
- I already have a workstation installation of IUCLID 5.6.0. How can I apply a published patch (e.g. version (published 3 October 2014)
- In Vista/Windows 7, I receive an error message "pgpass.conf does not exist" when trying to update to IUCLID 5.2.x. How can I run the update successfully?
- I do not know how to start the IUCLID Installer on Windows Vista. What must I do?
- I cannot install IUCLID 5 on my Windows 7 computer, why?
- What architecture does IUCLID 5 apply?
- Can IUCLID 5 work in a multi-tier application environment where the Web Server, Application Server, and Oracle Server are all on separate servers?
- How will the IUCLID 5 client software be distributed to the client workstations in distributed installations? (updated 04 October 2013)
- How can I show a difference between different IUCLID installations in the IUCLID interface? (updated 05 December 2012)
- How can I connect to IUCLID 5 through a proxy server?
- How can I make a backup of my IUCLID database? (updated 14 March 2014)
- How to find the IUCLID 5 log files? (updated 4 October 2013)
- When attempting to install PostgreSQL on Vista I get the error message ”Database Cluster Initialisation Failed” at the end of the installation, what can I do?
- What are the recommended software and hardware requirements for IUCLID 5.6?
(updated 10 June 2015)
- How can I distinguish user accounts when using Windows, IUCLID 5 standalone installation and PostgreSQL database? (updated 3 October 2014)
- Which PostgreSQL version should be used with IUCLID 5? (updated 16 December 2013)
- How to download the correct PostgreSQL version with IUCLID 5? (updated 16 December 2013)
- How can I uninstall IUCLID 5 standalone version from my Windows PC? (updated 16 December 2013)
- What is the compatibility between versions of IUCLID 5 and Java?
(updated 10 June 2015)
- Which version of Java should I use with IUCLID 5.4.1 or 5.5? (updated 16 December 2013)
- Can I have both Java 6 and Java 7 installed on a computer at the same time? (published 27 March 2013)
- I have a shortcut on my Windows Desktop for IUCLID that was created by the Windows installer. When I use it to launch IUCLID, Java 6 is used. How can I change it to select Java 7? (published 27 March 2013)
- I am unable to connect to a distributed instance of IUCLID 5.4.1 or 5.5 using Java 7. I click on the web link, but I cannot get to the IUCLID interface. What is the problem? (updated 16 December 2013)
- How can I find out the version of Java that Windows uses by default on my computer? (published 27 March 2013)
- I have a shortcut on my Windows Desktop for IUCLID 5 that was created before version 5.4.1. When I double click on it, I get the following error: "The item 'javaw.exe' that this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved, so this shortcut will no longer work properly." (published 27 March 2013)
- I have a standalone installation of IUCLID prior to version 5.4.1 that was installed using the Windows installer. The Java version has been upgraded to Java 7, and now IUCLID does not run. How can I access my existing IUCLID data? (published 27 March 2013)
- Why does a "Connection attempt time out" error appear during the IUCLID 5 installation? (published 17 June 2013)
- IUCLID 5 does not start, but the following error message appears: "Error during initialisation. The following exception was thrown: Connection to the database (jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/iuclid5) could not be established. Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections".< (updated 16 December 2013)
Common Installation Problems
- I get an error code 500 when trying to connect to IUCLID 5 from the Webserver, why?
- ‘Cannot create the destination folder’ error is displayed during the installation on Windows 7. What am I to do?
Known Issues- IUCLID application
- Java memory issues of IUCLID 5 instance (updated 18 March 2015)
- IUCLID 5.5
- After migrating to IUCLID 5.5.0 I cannot access the User management and Role management tools of IUCLID. Instead, I get the following error message "Service error on server (SYS1500)". (updated 11 September 2013)
- After Java 7 update 51 it is not possible to launch the IUCLID 5 distributed client (updated 3 October 2014)
- After Java 7 update 45 it is not possible to launch the IUCLID 5 distributed client (published 5 November 2013)
- IUCLID 5.4.1
- A user receives an incorrect message that they have exceeded the number of log in attempts allowed.(published 30 January 2013)
- IUCLID 5.4
- IUCLID 5.3
- IUCLID 5.2.2
- Even though I select check the checkbox "Reviewed by an assessor" when creating my dossier, the checkbox disappears later. When I run the TCC I get a TCC failure. Is this normal? Will my dossier fail when I submit it to ECHA?
- Even though I have ticked "Review by an assessor" in my dossier header and attached a "Review by an assessor" report in the dossier header, when submitting my dossier to REACH-IT, I get a "document not found" error message. What must I do in order for my dossier to be accepted?
- IUCLID 5.2.0
Known Issues- IUCLID plug-ins
- Report Generator /version 5.5.1
- Dissemination plug-in / version 5.4.1 running in IUCLID 5.5
- TCC plug-in / version 5.4.0
- CSR plug in / version 5.4.0
- CSR plug in / version 5.4.1
- When I try to synchronize the uses in the CSR plugin, I receive the error message: "Document access failure. It's possible the document is already locked for writing, or otherwise inaccessible" (published 27 March 2013)
- When I synchronise the uses in the CSR plug-in, the information I entered in the Chesar “internal remark” fields available in box 2 are transferred to IUCLID section 3.5.(published 17 June 2013)
Questions related to REACH Registration
- UUID synchronisation between REACH-IT and IUCLID 5 (video included) (updated 30 May 2014)
- How can I check that my Legal Entity is the same in section 1.1 of IUCLID 5, in the dossier header and in REACH-IT? (updated 30 May 2014)
- How can I check that my attachments is section 1.4 have been included when I submit my dossier?
- How can I ensure that I run the latest version of the Validation Assistant/TCC plugin on my substance dataset or dossier?
(updated 30 May 2014) - When I run the Validation Assistant plugin on my dossier, several Business Rules failures (BR failure) or Technical Completeness check failures (TCC failure) are detected. How can I correct them? (updated 30 May 2014)
Questions related to Classification & Labelling Notification
- How can I run the Validation Assistant plugin for a Classification and Labelling (C & L) notification? (updated 30 May 2014)
Questions related to Biocides
- How can I link compositions to C&L sections in a biocidal product in IUCLID 5? (updated 04 October 2013)
- Is there a specific IUCLID 5 template for micro-organisms? (published 04 October 2013)
- How can I use the Report Generator in IUCLID 5 to generate a Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC)? (published 04 October 2013)
- Is there a Technical Completeness Check (TCC) plug-in available to check biocides dossiers prepared under the EU Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)? (published 04 October 2013)
- Which IUCLID template to use (and from which object should the dossier, substance or mixture be created) when creating the following type of dossier: application for inclusion on the list of active substance suppliers (BPR Art. 95)? (published 04 October 2013)
- How to provide the Legal Entity for the components of a biocidal product (active substance, non-active substance, substance of concern, mixture)? Whose Legal Entity should be inserted? (published 30 May 2014)
What is IUCLID 5?
For Industry, IUCLID 5 is a:
- Software tool for entering and storing information on chemicals, as well as for preparing and submitting dossiers to fulfil legislation requirements.
For the Agency and for the Member state competent authorities, IUCLID 5 is the:
- central data repository for all dossiers submitted
- basis for evaluating the risks of substances and requiring new information
- basis for restricting and authorizing the use of chemicals to manage risks.
IUCLID 5 data complies with the REACH legislation requirements, but also with the requirements of OECD, HPV Chemicals Programme, US HPV Challenge programme, Japan Challenge programme and EU Biocides. All the OECD harmonised templates, together with the relevant endpoints for biocides and pesticides are included in IUCLID 5.
OECD harmonised templates provide a consistent way of reporting information on study reports across regulatory programmes.
The XML schema which is used in the templates, enables IT systems to exchange data electronically. Field-names, guidance, and format, as well as all entries for the pick lists, predefined texts and tables to be used in the rich text editor fields, and executive summary text samples are provided by the OECD Harmonised templates.
- Software tool for entering and storing information on chemicals, as well as for preparing and submitting dossiers to fulfil legislation requirements.
For the Agency and for the Member state competent authorities, IUCLID 5 is the:
- central data repository for all dossiers submitted
- basis for evaluating the risks of substances and requiring new information
- basis for restricting and authorizing the use of chemicals to manage risks.
IUCLID 5 data complies with the REACH legislation requirements, but also with the requirements of OECD, HPV Chemicals Programme, US HPV Challenge programme, Japan Challenge programme and EU Biocides. All the OECD harmonised templates, together with the relevant endpoints for biocides and pesticides are included in IUCLID 5.
OECD harmonised templates provide a consistent way of reporting information on study reports across regulatory programmes.
The XML schema which is used in the templates, enables IT systems to exchange data electronically. Field-names, guidance, and format, as well as all entries for the pick lists, predefined texts and tables to be used in the rich text editor fields, and executive summary text samples are provided by the OECD Harmonised templates.
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